Donate to C.A.R.E. of Alabama

As the Chairman/President of *C.A.R.E. of Alabama, a 501c3 organization, Martin is able to give back to his community.

Your investment and support helps *C.A.R.E. of Alabama hit it’s 3 main initiatives! .

CARE of Alabama’s 4-Key Initiatives:

  • The Finwell Institute: Empowering Financial Wellness, Today, Tomorrow and Into the Future by serving the K-12 Education Sector, with a special emphasis on Juniors and Seniors

  • Pathway to Financial Freedom: Building Bridges to Financial Success by empowering Low-to-Moderate Income Communities with free, practical and empowering tools, resources and opportunities.

  • Winning Beyond the Field: NIL Education and Financial Wellness - Student-Athletes and NIL, working with High School and Colleges/Universities and their respective student-athletes to help them and their parents navigate the turbulent waters of NIL, to ensure financial wellness when the NIL waters reside.

  • Football, Faith & Fatherhood (F3): Strengthening Men, Building Families, Transforming Communities. F3, a men’s focused initiative aimed at restoring the pillars of Family, Church, and Community by empowering men to lead with Faith, Financial Wellness, and Strong Family Foundations."

*C.A.R.E. of Alabama is a 501c3 corporation, bringing FREEdom to students, families and low-to-moderate/underbanked communities by educating, equipping and empowering them to be the best version of the themselves. C.A.R.E. of Alabama is the Birmingham (Tuscaloosa) Chapter of the National CARE organization. We will also continue to serve the original mission of the organization, as we expand into these new areas of focus.

Credit Abuse Resistance Education (CARE) is a national, nonprofit organization providing students and young adults with the skills they need to make smart financial decisions. CARE is a volunteer-driven organization, with a network of expert volunteers in chapters across the country who give free educational presentations in high schools, colleges, and community youth organizations. Each CARE presentation conforms to the National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education developed by the National Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy.
